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Proposals for a Green Recovery in Ukraine

Proposals for a Green Recovery in Ukraine

Background paper by Green Deal Ukraine prepared for the High-Level Working Group with six visions of a successful green recovery in critical sectors. Each vision is underpinned by selected proposals for approaching this vision and, at the same time, aligning Ukrainian legislation with EU requirements.

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Ukraine: a sustainable economic recovery for people and nature

Ukraine: a sustainable economic recovery for people and nature

This report by WWF and BCG provides a pathway to achieve these sustainability goals. It shows that, while circumstances are dire, if sustainability is at the core and reforms are properly implemented, this effort could shape a sustainable model of economic development for Ukraine, Europe and the world.

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Putting the green reconstruction of Ukraine into action: Requirements for programme design and policy
Governance, Energy, Environment, Industry, Buildings, Agriculture Ната Атаманюк Governance, Energy, Environment, Industry, Buildings, Agriculture Ната Атаманюк

Putting the green reconstruction of Ukraine into action: Requirements for programme design and policy

While the fight to liberate Ukrainian territory continues, discussions on the reconstruction process have already begun and several proposals have already been circulated by various organisations and stakeholders. Although each proposal for a reconstruction programme contains references to a “green reconstruction”, plans have so far been relatively vague on the precise meaning of this term. Ecoaction, CEE Bankwatch and Berlin Economics discuss what green reconstruction means concretely in different sectors, what barriers to a green reconstruction currently exist, and how an optimal policy mix could overcome these barriers.

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