Proposals for a Green Recovery in Ukraine

by Green Deal Ukraine

Green Deal Ukraїna prepared a background paper for the High-Level Working Group with six visions of a successful green recovery in critical sectors. Each vision is underpinned by selected proposals for approaching this vision and, at the same time, aligning Ukrainian legislation with EU requirements. The paper consulted with Ukrainian organisations, ministries and independent experts to prioritise policy recommendations that are most timely and feasible for the Ukrainian government.

The overarching theme is that Ukraine needs a vision on how green recovery policies can address Ukraine’s most urgent challenges. Otherwise not-sustainable investments risk locking-in a pathway that is inconsistent with accession to the EU - the only credible route to security and prosperity for the country. Getting access to, and becoming competitive on the single market requires a profound transformation of the Ukrainian economy. To reach there, Ukraine needs increasing inflows of foreign capital and the development of credible institutions


Ukraine and European Green Deal: Annual monitoring report 2023


Recommendations on stimulating energy efficiency measures and RES in the residential sector in wartime