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Ukraine and European Green Deal: Annual monitoring report 2023

Ukraine and European Green Deal: Annual monitoring report 2023

Annual publication assessing reforms aimed at the implementation of the European Green Deal principles in Ukraine prepared by DіXi Group, Resource and Analysis Centre “Society and Environment”, Energy Efficient Cities of Ukraine Association, Ukrainian Leadership Academy, Women’s Energy Club of Ukraine, DZYGA and PLATO.

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Proposals for a Green Recovery in Ukraine

Proposals for a Green Recovery in Ukraine

Background paper by Green Deal Ukraine prepared for the High-Level Working Group with six visions of a successful green recovery in critical sectors. Each vision is underpinned by selected proposals for approaching this vision and, at the same time, aligning Ukrainian legislation with EU requirements.

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Climate Damage Caused by Russia’s War in Ukraine
Climate, Buildings Anna Ack Climate, Buildings Anna Ack

Climate Damage Caused by Russia’s War in Ukraine

According to the report by the Initiative on GHG Accounting of War, greenhouse gas emissions attributable to 18 months (or 555 days) of the russian full-scale war in Ukraine total 150 million tCO2e. This is more than the annual GHG emissions from a highly industrialized country such as Belgium. GHG emissions continue to grow in different dimensions of the war, including those related to rebuilding Ukraine.

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