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The Recovery of Ukraine Energy Sector: A Call for Support and Collaboration with Municipalities
Energy, Finance Anna Ack Energy, Finance Anna Ack

The Recovery of Ukraine Energy Sector: A Call for Support and Collaboration with Municipalities

This brief by by Centre for Environmental Initiatives “Ecoaction”, NGO Ecoclub, Razom We Stand, CEE Bankwatch, Greenpeace, RePower Ukraine and Energy Act for Ukraine Foundation outlines the current state of play in the field of green energy recovery in Ukraine and recommends foreign governments, international partners, and national authorities to partner with local communities and rebuild the energy sector.

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On the reconstruction front line: Ukrainian municipalities and the funding landscape
Finance Anna Ack Finance Anna Ack

On the reconstruction front line: Ukrainian municipalities and the funding landscape

Ukrainian municipalities, local governments, citizens and volunteers are all on the front line. Not only do they face the challenges of war, but they also have to rebuild damaged infrastructure, assist internally displaced persons, provide basic services to the population, and support the army. But is there enough money to fund their vital efforts? And do municipalities have sufficient access to existing financial resources?
This research series by CEE Bankwatch and Ecoaction looks at the complex landscape of existing funding available to Ukrainian municipalities as they seek to meet their reconstruction needs.

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Shades of Green: Investing in Ukraine’s Recovery
Finance Anna Ack Finance Anna Ack

Shades of Green: Investing in Ukraine’s Recovery

The briefing paper presents pivotal recommendations intended to direct Ukraine towards a prosperous green recovery. It originates from an online discussion conducted in November 2023, organized by the Ukraine Climate Office, WWF-CEE and Ukraine, with the aim of stimulating discourse on the term “green” and its implications.

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Post-war Recovery of Ukraine’s Cities: Green Reconstruction and Green Transformation
Governance, Finance Ната Атаманюк Governance, Finance Ната Атаманюк

Post-war Recovery of Ukraine’s Cities: Green Reconstruction and Green Transformation

The main purpose of this policy paper by the Resource and Analysis Center “Society and Environment” is to offer mechanisms and tools for postwar reconstruction and green transformation of Ukrainian cities, to analyze existing challenges and ways to overcome them, and to explore recent changes in legislation and strategic planning at the government level related to postwar reconstruction of Ukraine in the context of cities.

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