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UAD: Ukraine's Energy and Climate Challenges
This issue of the Ukrainian Analytical Digest addresses Ukraine's pressing energy and climate challenges, particularly the anticipated heat and power deficit for the coming winter. With contributions from Green Deal Ukraїna and Energy Act for Ukraine, it explores immediate solutions that align with Ukraine's long-term clean energy transition and EU integration.
Investment catalogue of Ukrainian cities
This investment catalogue developed by Razom We Stand identifies potential energy efficiency projects in urban infrastructure in Ukraine. This publication showcases the curated investment opportunities across the country's vibrant cities, each project representing a step towards a more sustainable, resilient, and technologically advanced Ukraine.
Action Plan for Ukraine’s Energy System
This policy paper by the Center for Liberal Modernity (LibMod) outlines concrete proposals on how the current critical situation in Ukraine’s energy sector can be improved for the winter of 2024/25 and the coming years. These include an increase in electricity import capacities, a rapid expansion of decentralized energy generation, a reform of energy subsidies, measures for the rapid development of new electricity and heating capacities, but also a reform of the governance and controlling of state energy companies.
A Solar Marshall Plan for Ukraine
Read the policy paper by Greenpeace and Berlin Economics assessing the potential integration of larger amounts of solar PV into Ukraine’s electricity system by 2027 and 2030, using a techno-economic modelling approach to determine a cost-optimal, adequate energy system.
The Recovery of Ukraine Energy Sector: A Call for Support and Collaboration with Municipalities
This brief by by Centre for Environmental Initiatives “Ecoaction”, NGO Ecoclub, Razom We Stand, CEE Bankwatch, Greenpeace, RePower Ukraine and Energy Act for Ukraine Foundation outlines the current state of play in the field of green energy recovery in Ukraine and recommends foreign governments, international partners, and national authorities to partner with local communities and rebuild the energy sector.
Sustainable rebuilding of Ukrainian cities
The pilot project ‘Sustainable rebuilding of Ukrainian cities’ is a Eurocities initiative to mobilise local partnerships for a sustainable reconstruction of Ukrainian cities. The paper is structured along five main entry points that are critical for sustainable rebuilding: integrated urban planning, clean energy and energy efficiency, disaster risk reduction and resilience building, circularity, and sustainable urban mobility.
Financing Renewable Energy Projects in Ukrainian Municipalities
The study by NGO Ecoclub delves into the effectiveness of existing financial support mechanisms for municipalities in Ukraine and offers strategic insights into structuring financial aid to bolster the development of small-scale renewable energy sources (RES) within municipal sectors.
Mapping the Energy Opportunities in Ukraine: Solar and Wind Energy Assessment
The study by Greenpeace shows that Ukraine has a solar and wind energy potential that exceeds the current electricity needs of the population by almost 150 times.
Ukraine's power sector outlook for 2023-2024: investing in old coal-fired power plants or new decentralized green generation?
The policy brief by Razom We Stand shows that by investing in affordable and clean energy technologies, digitalization, and innovation, Ukraine can securely meet the energy needs of its economy and lay the groundwork for a decentralized, renewable energy-based, secure energy system of the future.