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Roadmap for a climate-neutral, sustainable Ukrainian energy sector and its role in an integrated EU energy market
Climate, Energy Anna Ack Climate, Energy Anna Ack

Roadmap for a climate-neutral, sustainable Ukrainian energy sector and its role in an integrated EU energy market

Postwar reconstruction in Ukraine will be a long and arduous process. The Ukraine Energy Roadmap, offered by the Europe-Ukraine Energy Transition Hub, analyzed the technical, financial, and legal aspects of this challenge; the detailed results are described in the corresponding three studies. IKEM summarizes these studies and provides recommendations across six major themes relevant to the energy transition.

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Ukraine: a sustainable economic recovery for people and nature

Ukraine: a sustainable economic recovery for people and nature

This report by WWF and BCG provides a pathway to achieve these sustainability goals. It shows that, while circumstances are dire, if sustainability is at the core and reforms are properly implemented, this effort could shape a sustainable model of economic development for Ukraine, Europe and the world.

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Green reconstruction. Post-war green recovery of Ukraine
Buildings, Energy Anna Ack Buildings, Energy Anna Ack

Green reconstruction. Post-war green recovery of Ukraine

The series of reports by WiseEuropa shows that goals of Ukraine's postwar reconstruction should be ambitious. Giving the post-war reconstruction of Ukraine a green direction seems to be the only right path. Shared visions and goals with Europe can not only support the integration process but also facilitate Ukraine's independence from fossil fuel imports from Russia and prepare the country for other important challenges of the future, related to the climate crisis.

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Putting the green reconstruction of Ukraine into action: Requirements for programme design and policy
Governance, Energy, Environment, Industry, Buildings, Agriculture Ната Атаманюк Governance, Energy, Environment, Industry, Buildings, Agriculture Ната Атаманюк

Putting the green reconstruction of Ukraine into action: Requirements for programme design and policy

While the fight to liberate Ukrainian territory continues, discussions on the reconstruction process have already begun and several proposals have already been circulated by various organisations and stakeholders. Although each proposal for a reconstruction programme contains references to a “green reconstruction”, plans have so far been relatively vague on the precise meaning of this term. Ecoaction, CEE Bankwatch and Berlin Economics discuss what green reconstruction means concretely in different sectors, what barriers to a green reconstruction currently exist, and how an optimal policy mix could overcome these barriers.

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