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A Solar Marshall Plan for Ukraine
Energy Anna Ack Energy Anna Ack

A Solar Marshall Plan for Ukraine

Read the policy paper by Greenpeace and Berlin Economics assessing the potential integration of larger amounts of solar PV into Ukraine’s electricity system by 2027 and 2030, using a techno-economic modelling approach to determine a cost-optimal, adequate energy system.

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The Recovery of Ukraine Energy Sector: A Call for Support and Collaboration with Municipalities
Energy, Finance Anna Ack Energy, Finance Anna Ack

The Recovery of Ukraine Energy Sector: A Call for Support and Collaboration with Municipalities

This brief by by Centre for Environmental Initiatives “Ecoaction”, NGO Ecoclub, Razom We Stand, CEE Bankwatch, Greenpeace, RePower Ukraine and Energy Act for Ukraine Foundation outlines the current state of play in the field of green energy recovery in Ukraine and recommends foreign governments, international partners, and national authorities to partner with local communities and rebuild the energy sector.

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Ukraine and European Green Deal: Annual monitoring report 2023

Ukraine and European Green Deal: Annual monitoring report 2023

Annual publication assessing reforms aimed at the implementation of the European Green Deal principles in Ukraine prepared by DіXi Group, Resource and Analysis Centre “Society and Environment”, Energy Efficient Cities of Ukraine Association, Ukrainian Leadership Academy, Women’s Energy Club of Ukraine, DZYGA and PLATO.

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