Urban Transport Sector in Ukraine in 2022: A baseline report

by Oresund and Vision Zero

The report was written by Ukrainian transport specialists in August-October 2022 based on collected data and direct knowledge from the cities with which authors worked or communicated during this year and before.

The goal was to collect all available quantitative and qualitative information and present it in a structured form in English, to allow interested readers easily learn and understand:

  • where Ukraine's urban mobility sector stood before the War of 2022,

  • all possible details on electric public transport: lenths of tram networks, trolleybus networks, data on rolling stock etc.,

  • what was happening with urban mobility during the first 6 months of the War,

  • what are the national policies regarding urban mobility,

  • how green were the first attempts to plan a post-war recovery of the transport sector by our government.


Post-war Recovery of Ukraine’s Cities: Green Reconstruction and Green Transformation


Ukraine: a sustainable economic recovery for people and nature