New European Bauhaus: Circular Housing in Ukraine

As of 8 Sept 2022 at least 15,300 high-rise buildings, 115,900 private houses, 44 social centers, 1,118 educational institutions have been damaged in Ukraine due to the war. The need in new construction and reconstruction after the war will be huge. Re-building of Ukraine should be done as carbon neutral as possible. Ukraine has already taken course on the green recovery (Lugano, Berlin) and should continue.

Aims of this report:

• Provide an overview of the legal framework
• Identify local resources for cicular construction
• Introduce circular construction technologies
• Make recommendations for future steps

Circular construction means to develop, use, and re-use buildings, sites and infrastructure without unnecessarily exploiting natural resources, polluting the environment and damaging ecosystems. Pilot projects contribute to the awareness of all stakeholders on the current status, challenges and potentials of CDW management; BUT other aspects of circular construction are not discussed yet. The authors of this report provide the recommendations for the sustainable renovation of housing.


Rebuilding Ukraine. Principles of a green post-war reconstruction


How to rebuild a “green” country: recommendations for Ukraine’s recovery