Post-war recovery of Ukraine: rebuilding for a better future

by Green Dossier, Environment People Law and the National Ecological Centre of Ukraine

Post-war economic development of Ukraine should become a fundamental shift toward green and zero emissions economy. The rebuilding should not be a reproduction of the pre-war economy — based on fossil fuel, energy-intensive and intensively polluting. The priority should be to change the economic model by building more energy-efficient and less energy-consuming industrial and transport systems, infrastructure and housing, as well as the use of low-carbon materials and technologies.

It is important to clearly define and articulate the goals of breaking from the dependence on fossil fuel and to include the green transition and sustainability as key approaches to all aspects of post-war economic development. This should apply not only to the territories most affected by the war, but extend to all of Ukraine.

The analysis paper is intended to be used by specific sectoral ministries and other official structures, as well as representatives of local government and authorities for management of amalgamated territorial communities for explanations regarding the proper implementation of green agenda in the sectoral and territorial/local plans for the post-war reconstruction efforts in Ukraine.

This publication was produced within the project “Support activities of UNP EaP CSF in 2021–2023” implemented by the Institute for Economic Research and Policy Consulting with the financial support of the European Union.


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