Post-war Green reconstruction of Ukraine: processes, stakeholders, public participation

by Resource and Analysis Center "Society and Environment"

This study of public access to decision-making related to the recovery of Ukraine in the context of environmental protection and climate change mitigation analyzes current processes around the planning of Ukraine’s future and ongoing reconstruction in order to determine:
(1) opportunities and barriers for environmental and climate civil society representatives to participate in these processes and influence decision-making to make reconstruction “greener”, and
(2) level of “greenness” of the reconstruction processes, namely how they take into account the need to protect environment and mitigate climate change during the recovery.

The policy paper presents the results of a study on planning and implementing post-war reconstruction in Ukraine, as well as the main institutional and organizational reconstruction processes.

The report reflects the trends and progress made in 2023 in planning and implementing green post-war reconstruction in Ukraine at the national, international, and local levels, as well as in ensuring public participation and transparency of these processes


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